Ductless Split ACFor those who prefer to take care of their heating or cooling system by themselves, or for HVAC contractors in the area, there are several places to go throughout Toronto in order to get the right HVAC supplies. For the average homeowner who realizes that he needs insulating tape for the ducts in his house or a new component for the central air conditioning system, where you go might not be as important as the support you get.

Choose a Company that is Knowledgeable

Whenever you’re working to maintain your HVAC system, you might have questions about parts, components, or even sounds that it makes. The company that offers HVAC supplies should be able to answer the questions that arise.

Professional and Courteous

Most HVAC companies would prefer that homeowners and business owners contact them to come out and check their systems, but there are plenty of do-it-yourselfers out there who aren’t intimidated by their heating or cooling systems.

Just because you’re planning on working on your system yourself, that doesn’t mean you should be ignored. The HVAC supply company should be willing to listen to what you’re dealing with and to help you narrow down the potential causes of problems.

They should be professional and courteous at all times, helping you solve the problem and ensure that your system is working properly and efficiently.


Any company that doesn’t offer the right level of support is one that isn’t looking out for its friends, neighbors, and the rest of the community properly. Especially when it comes to heating systems in the Greater Toronto Area, keeping them in great shape is crucial.

When you have the right HVAC company to turn to for any supplies that you need, and they are supportive of the care and attention you provide to your heating or cooling system, the easier it will be for you to keep your systems in proper working condition.

Just because you may need a few HVAC supplies doesn’t mean you should have to jump through hoops or answer a thousand questions about why you’re doing it yourself. If you are mechanically inclined and understand the components, you should be fine.

However, if you feel that you have questions or are not sure what to do, or if you need certain supplies, call on the experts at McKinnon Heating and Cooling. They will help you keep your heating and cooling systems in tip-top shape.